Sunday 8 November 2015

BURDOCK ROOT- How to prepare as medicinal delicious french fries

Burdock root is known since ancient times as God’s healer stabilizer for the large intestine or colon.  It is the main ingredient of Essiac tea available in many cancer clinic and health food store in North America.
It is an extremely yang root, long and thin…it cleans the blood, liver and restores the vitality to our colons.

*Alkalizes the blood   *Restores Mental Clarity   *Prevents Colds/Flu
*Curbs sugar craving   

Do you remember the days when running through the fields you would get purple burrs stuck to your pants?  Those were burdock burrs.  The plant has huge elephant ear-sized leaves.  You need a tree spade/pic/sharp trowel to dig up the root so you don’t snap off this long root.  If you choose to dig it up, please, do it with respect and do not take all that is there.
If you buy it from Choice’s health food store or an Asian market where it is often called GOBO.

 To prepare the burdock root as medicinal delicious food 
"More delicious than French Fries."

1.  Wash and cut in the heaven and earth cut which is on a diagonal.
     Use a sharp square vegetable knife as this root is dense and solid.
     Cut burdock root in diagonal slices about l/16” thick. 
2.  Prepare a cast iron frying pan by heating on medium until hot.
3.  Add 3 tbsp of toasted sesame oil
4.  Add ¼ tsp of grey sea salt.  Cover with lid that fits inside the      
5.  Cook for approximately 7 minutes. 
6.  Add pinch of grey sea salt.  Add l tbsp of water if burdock root is
     woody or is sticking to pan.  Cover and cook another 7 minutes.
7.  Add pinch of grey sea salt.  Cover and cook another 7 minutes. 

Add 2 tbsp of cooked root to miso soup for a delicious rich flavour.
Add to stir fry or as additional vegetable to your dinner.
My students often say it tastes like a delicious salty sweet potato fry.

Caution: This root is very powerful so no more than 2 tbsp a day or you will find yourself evacuating more than you want to.
It is high in potassium in its raw state so when cutting the burdock root do NOT put your fingers to your eyes or face.  It will cause an allergic reaction.  Be sure to wash the cutting board and knife 
In Edmonton, you can buy commercial GOBO (Burdock root) at Lucky Supermarkets, TNT, and organic at Planet Organic.

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