Monday 14 September 2015

Behavioral Barometer-Depression and Mental Illness

Behavioral Barometer

1.        This is the instructions for the tool I spoke about for easily eliminating the negative emotional experiences you have had.  Please google behavioral barometer; it will come up.  The Color images are too small for copying but will come up for you and you can enlarge the size.  Hold in your mind, this question: “What is the priority negative experiences that needs to be cleared?”

2.        Ask your Higher Self (Divine Intuition) or God for guidance or muscle test or use a pendulum to determine what your negative emotions are. Just sit with the colored chart (Behavioral Barometer) in front of you. Take  3 deep breathes into the belly to relax and clear yourself.  When you open your eyes and you will go right to the negative  belief program that needs to go.  Trust, it always works.

  Remember, the first color you see is the section you are working within.
Once, you find the right section, notice there are 8 items. 
Let a number from 1-8 pop into your mind. You read the barometer words, left (1) to right (2), down one line- left (3) to right (4)etc.

Once you find the right negative emotion to clear:

4.       Hold your head on your center line.  Place your entire palm across your forehead and the other hand on the back of your head.  Chin level.  Slowly circle your eyes in a 360 finding the eye direction which strains the eye muscles or vision blurs or goes dark.
5.       Then say for 1-3 minutes; I FEEL------------------------, BIG BREATHE, I FEEL-------------.
6.       Take some water.
7.       Same eye direction…..Hold the eye and head direction and say the OPPOSITE WORD (on the left hand side of the Barometer)      I AM--------------for 1-3 minutes.
8.       Big breathes between each I AM statement.

Please note that usually people feel light headed during this process; have no fear…you are creating new neural synapses pathways and getting out of the old ruts and connections.  Water is needed to facilitate this change as the neurotransmitters move of the medium of water.  As you know, we are at least 73% water.  A fantastic medium.  Have fun!   This process will always bring you back to peace and strength.

Sunday 13 September 2015

Depression/Mental Illness-Autumn Chinese element of Metal

Hello friends…Welcome to Autumn!  I promised you more on Depression.  In Chinese medicine, Grief and depression are a part of the Autumn or Lung and Colon Season-Autumn.   The seeds we have sown, now we shall reap.
Autumn is a season of gathering nature’s product before winter’s rest.  Autumn marks the beginning of a cycle of personal turning within; its first official day is September 23.  The equinox day, when’s night’s darkness equals the length of day.
Metal element in Chinese Five Element theory is associated with autumn and represents the mineral ores and salts of the Earth.  These function in creating structure and communication.  For instance, metal wires establish connections and conduct electricity.  Your brain and nervous system is analogous to electrical wiring.  Metal in Chinese system is similar to aspects of Air in astrology.  Both Air and Metal energies are expressed in the inner workings and activities of the mind, developing ideas, writing and speaking.  Degrees of mental clarity can be compared to Metal’s varying forms, which range from crude, impure and dense or to a shining, crystal clear gem.  Whiteness in the facial pallor can represent a metal imbalance, mainly seen in the skin around the eyes and cheeks.  This may be especially noticeable in someone who has had a bad cold, or acute or chronic lung problems or in someone who has recently been experiencing great worry, grief or sorrow, the emotions corresponding to the Metal element.
These feelings can be a healthy response, but if extreme or prolonged may injure the lungs or large intestine, the Metal organs.  Worry may cause poor, shallow breathing or the holding back of proper elimination, both important functions of the lungs and large intestine.  The sense organ for the Metal element is the nose and associated sense is smell. 
Metal’s body fluid is mucus and the climate is dryness.  However, extreme dryness can injure this element, as can its opposite climate, dampness.  The mucous membranes contain 2 types of cells:  serous-producing a watery fluid and mucous cells, which produce a thicker secretion.  It is the mucus that protects and coats the mucous linings, while the serous fluid helps wash debris and bacteria from these sensitive membranes.  Normally, there is a higher percentage of serous cells along the linings.  Excessive mucus is actually a relative state of dryness from inadequate water intake, too much mucous producing food or a Metal imbalance.
You have a choice, you can be open and joyful, welcoming each breathe and each change in life by looking toward the new experience and growth it will bring.  Or if you dwell on sadness, you are open to injure the Metal element and in turn to colds, lung ailments and digestive problems.  Your bowel habits reflect your approach to change; you hold on to fecal matter until you even experience pain or you can freely let go of your waste products.  The “holding on” occurs not just in the rectum but throughout the body, involving muscular tightness, mental tension and other restrictions of bodily functions.  If you are “holding on” please re-train yourself to more easily and efficiently process your foods, thoughts and emotions.
Regular bowel movements occur naturally after eating a meal since the gastrocolic reflex causes contraction of the rectum in response to distention of the stomach.  This is true particularly in children.  Congesting diets high in meats, dairy and refined foods and poor eating habits, like fast foods interfere with our regular bowel movements.  Congestion of the large intestine often leads to the displacement and loss of tone of this organ and is the cause of many pains and illnesses.  General abdominal discomfort and low and mid-backaches are often referred from the distention of the large intestine.  In the Chinese metal system, congestion in the large intestine manifests in the neck, head, nose and sinuses.  Pressure in the head and sinuses, headaches, sore throats as well as crankiness, lack of energy and even lack of enthusiasm for life can come from a back-up in this organ.
This is exactly how I developed cancer.  My large intestine was not releasing the waste products so my blood became highly acidic.  Within 2 years of changing my diet and life perspective, my blood was restored to alkaline and I loved life.  You must be aware by now that cancer cells cannot form in alkaline blood.  We are designed to be 7.3 ph alkaline.  We are healthy and happy.
This Depression/mental illness information will continue so in the meantime:
1.    Detox your body-In Autumn, the body automatically goes into detoxification   whether you realize it or not.  Why not support this process and recover your mental clarity.  Please see YOU ARE ALL SANPAKU (brown rice fast) ebook on
2.    For detoxifying yourself of negative emotions stay posted for the Behavioral Barometer as it is such a quick and easy tool to eliminate these past negative experiences.
3.    To regain the tone of the large intestine, please chew at least 32 times.  Please read Power Eating by Muramoto on the blog.
4.   If you want a quick way to establish your Acid or Alkaline level of your body; you can buy Litmus paper strips either at the drug store or at a nursery.

Sending you Divine Love and light til next time.

Saturday 12 September 2015

Homemade Electrolyte Drink

 Homemade Electrolyte Drink

Water is the main ingredient as it will act as the primary carrier of the electrolytes. It must be as clean as possible to work optimally. If you do not have the luxury of a home bottled water dispenser, simply boil water in a tea kettle. Incidentally, distilled water--the captured vapor from boiling water--is the best. It is very close to pure water, having almost all trace elements such as minerals, pollutants and other contaminants, removed. If you want distilled water, it's best to purchase it because collecting the vapor is difficult to do at home. Sometimes you can ask your bottled water carrier if they offer distilled water instead of spring. Tap water should be your last resort.
Sea Salt, not table salt
Electrolytes are basically salts. Salts keep your body's electrically conductive to maintain cell voltage for receiving or passing along information.  Celtic Sea salt is the closest match to our blood.  It has 91 minerals and trace elements needed to “Fire” our bodies’ car engine.  Read more        Celtic sea salt-the Salt of Life article

Oranges, grapefruits, tangerine, lemons and limes--try to always have these on hand as they are the best ingredients for electrolyte replenishment.  Try lemon juice, it has an alkalizing effect inside the body even though it is an acid fruit.  Be careful to avoid over consumption of oranges, grapefruits and tangerines.  As they are extreme yin fruits so overconsumption creates acidosis in the body; not alkaliziing or strengthening. The body is optimal at 7.3 Alkaline ph level.
Containers and Recipes
When you make your electrolyte drink, make sure that you're using a container that you like to travel with. If you like your container it will increase the chances that you will indulge in your drink concoction more often.

Acid and Alkaline in Life


Acidosis is the tendency towards over-acidity that arises in certain dis-eases.  Acid is always developing in the body but it is usually carried away in the body’s excretions.
There are some conditions affecting the digestion in which acidosis develops either because of increased acid production or because of the loss of alkaline substances by way of the bowels.  This happens when there is much loss of fluid from vomiting or diarrhea.  The treatment is to replace the lost fluid and to hinder the production of acid substances by giving water and salts.  Macrobiotics recommends the following drinks to treat diarrhea or vomiting.
1.    Sho-ban -  soya sauce and bancha or barley tea
2.    Umeboshi plum, ginger soya sauce, bancha or barley tea
3.    Kuzu, umeboshi plum, bancha or barley tea
4.    Miso soup with wakame
5.    Sea vegetable soup
Diabetes is the most common disease which cause acidosis.  In diabetes, the body is unable to use glucose so that fats are incompletely burned and acid substances are produced.  The acid becomes accumulated if there are not enough alkaline forming substances in the blood.

Sunday 6 September 2015

PICKLES-a very important part of our digestive process

Pickles play an important role in our digestive process:

1.  Help in the digestion and absorption of grains
2.  Stimulate appetite
3.  Are a good source of fiber
4.  A good source for absorbing salt
5.  A good way to preserve vegetables

Macrobiotic pickles are ones commonly made use roasted salted rice bran.  The utilization and absorption of a food is a difficult process requiring many steps. Pickles play an active role in many of these steps.
Simply, grains are a Complex Carbohydrate.  A carbohydrate is a molecule commonly found throughout the biological world, mainly in plants.  That is made up of Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen.  The most commonly known is Glucose.  The terms, Simple sugar, Simple carbohydrate, saccharide and monosaharide are names for the same thing.  This monosacharide is the base unit (glucose), the building block to make Complex carbohydrates.  In Grains, hundreds of glucose molecules or units are linked together.  The intestines can only absorb the simplest sugars:  Mono and D1(2) sachardies.  The Grain molecule must be broken down into these base units in order to be absorbed and utilized as food in our bodies.
The breaking down process is accomplished by 3 things: 

1.  Chewing-the only physical action of digestion.  In this process, the Grains is torn apart to expose the Complex carbohydrates if you don't chew grains well, it cannot be digested and absorbed.  This is the main reason chewing so emphasized in macrobiotic practice.  Chewing also promotes secretion of:
2.  Enzymes-Enzymes are molecules which catalize (promote and greatly speed up) chemical processes or reaction in our body.  In this case, the process to simple carbohydrate is very important.  The salivary enzyme called Amaylase plays a key role here.  Other Enzymes work in the intestinal track.
3.  Bacteria-also work on the break down of the Grains.  When bread dough uses a fermented or bacteria hosting starter, breaking down of the wheat has already begun.  Old rice is easier to digest because bacteria have begun to break it down.  In our intestines, there are millions of bacteria that live right at the sights of food absorption.  This area with the bacteria is known as your Intestinal Flora.  Here the final breaking down of food occurs before absorption.

Pickles play a role with enzymes and bacteria.  The main worker here is a bacteria known as Lactobacillus, prevalent in pickles.  Lactobacilli aid pancreatic enzymes in the breakdown of complex carbohydrates.  Lactobacilli also produce lactic acid, an important food for the bacteria in the intestinal flora. Pickles help strengthen the intestinal flora.
When making pickles, in our case, rice bran, a process technically known as Lactic Acid Fermentation is occurring.  The key is the early establishment of Lactobaccilli before other bacteria which spoil can multiply.  The latter cannot tolerate the high acidity created by lactobaccilli.
I make quick summer pickles and winter pickles.  With quick summer pickles fermentation is so fast there is no need to do anything.  I rub celtic grey sea salt by hand into cut cabbage or other vegetables.  You can use a pickle press or a rock and a plate to apply pressure.  15 minutes.
Winter pickles, the vegetables are encased in a rice bran/celtic sea salt/water mixture.  It is recommended to flip the vegetables from the bottom to the top so the Lactobacillus can be established.  The pressure will be reduced and the lactic acid fermentation will be allowed to go from 1-6 months, depending on how Yang one wants the pickles.  To halt fermentation, pickle crock is simply refrigerated.  Take out pickles are removed to needed.  Just know the more water in the vegetables, the faster they pickle.
If you are over 40 or come from a farm; remember how pickles were always served as part of a meal.  In Japan, a slice of pickle is always served.

Saturday 5 September 2015

Power Chewing by Muramoto


When people experience imbalances in their health, they often try counseling, divorce, relocation, pills, herbs, and surgery. Only as a last resort do they consider changing their eating habits, in the hopes of regaining their health.

When we eat food in a conscious manner, we may, as Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine taught "Let food be our medicine, and medicine be our food."

 Eating is a primal desire, the basis of our survival instinct. Eating is a simple act, yet vastly underestimated as a major influence on health. If you question the importance of food, try fasting for several days, or notice the behavior of a hungry infant. As with all basic human functions, eating can be a greedy indulgence or a spiritual experience. How we eat can merely fill us up and comfort us, or it can heal and transform us.

In many traditions and cultures, eating is considered a crucial, even sacred act. I was told by Lebanese friend that a peasant is not required to stop eating even if a king enters his house. Ancient Jewish law states that if a piece of food larger than an egg is eaten, one must sit down and say grace. Eating with a reverent attitude is recommended in many religious and spiritual ritual practices.

These days, we casually interrupt our meals for the phone and a thousand other hectic, chaotic influences of modern life. While we eat, we jump up and down, talk, read, scurry around, grab a bite, and then grab a digestive tablet.

 According to Consumer Spending Report, Americans now spend over $1 billion on digestive medicines each year Take a good look at your own lifestyle.
If foods are the building blocks of our health, then our stressful mealtime habits are causing us to crumble. Americans are overfed and undernourished. For too many people, food has become a form of entertainment rather than the means of nourishment. Grinning clowns sell high-fat, sugary non-foods. Cartoon characters, film stars and athletes convince Americans to eat junk food.

Yet a growing number of North Americans now are changing their eating habits. Unfortunately, some who eat a healthy diet fail to achieve satisfactory results largely because they focus on what, rather than how to eat. Very few people I observe know how to glean the full power from their food. The effects of even the most healthful meal can be minimized or nullified if eaten improperly.

We each choose what we want for our lives. With PEP, you will derive the maximum benefits from the foods you choose to eat. As you begin to take more care with your food choices, eating manner, breathing, exercise and contemplation, and as you practice directing your energies, you will focus your life more swiftly on where you really want to be.

    Develop an awareness of your motivation for eating. Discover if the reason you are eating is:

1. Mechanical: a spontaneous response to hunger without thought about the quality or effects of food. "I'm so hungry, I could eat anything." "I could eat a horse."
2. Sensory: Eating for the taste, texture, fragrance, visual appeal of the food. "I eat this because it's delicious." "The food looks so pretty." "I love creamy foods."
3. Sentimental: Eating motivated by emotions or memories. "This dish reminds me of childhood, my homeland, the ethnic foods I loved." "I want cookies and milk before bed."
4. Intellectual: Influenced by diet, experts, and scientists. "I eat this because the book says to." "The speaker said these foods are low in calories and high in vitamins."
5. Social: Eating while conscious of the earth and its people, with empathy for others. "I eat food which supports the earth and can feed everyone." As Gandhi said, "I eat simply so that others may simply eat."
6. Ideological: Eating according to religious discipline or spiritual teaching, for development and transformation. "Exercising discipline and care, I eat the food of my spiritual beliefs."
7. Supreme: Freedom in eating deriving from inner wisdom and understanding of self with an awareness of all seven levels. "I eat to support my dream. I know the power of food. I eat to live, not live to eat." (Adapted from George Ohsawa's Seven Levels of Judgment.