Shiatsu is a Japanese word which literally means "fingers"(shi) "pressure" (atsu). it is a Japanese body treatment in which manual pressure is applied to the acupressure points on the body. This restores the mind and body to its natural state of balance which stimulates the body's inherent ability to repair and regenerate itself. Shiatsu has evolved from ancient Oriental medical healing practices. It is often described as "acupuncture without needles".
Cranial Sacral Therapy is a gentle, hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the functioning of a physiological body system called the craniosacral system-comprised of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. Using a soft touch generally no greater than 5 grams, or about the weight of a nickel, practitioners release restrictions in the craniosacral system to improve the functioning of the central nervous system. Effective support for Migraine headaches, chronic neck & back pain, motor coordination impairments, central nervous system disorder, orthopedic problems, traumatic brain & spinal cord injury, scoliosis, stress, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, TMJ syndrome.
Masgutova Therapy is the understanding that automatic primary motor reflex patterns do not disappear, they integrate. While most people in the general health and wellness community are quite familiar with primary motor reflex patterns, they generally view the patterns as developmental milestones. In the course of working with a patient, if primary motor reflex patterns are found active beyond the expected or typical developmental time period, the presence of the pattern is viewed as an indication that underlying developmental or neurology issues may exist. Within the Masgutova MNRI method, primary motor reflex patterns play a much LARGER role.
The Yuen Method is the resulting product of
ancient Chinese Shaolin temple energy harnessing methods combined with the
knowledge that anatomy, physiology, structural analysis, energetic techniques,
quantum physics and Qi. The Yuen Method
was created by Dr. Kam Yuen as a result of his lifelong study and experience
with martial arts, nutritional therapy, homeopathy and doctor of chiropractic.
Your body is best thought of as a biological
computer. It is a miraculous piece of
high tech equipment and it is time we treated it as such. When you buy a computer or any piece of
equipment; it comes with a manual. The Yuen method is a manual for our biological
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