Sunday, 8 November 2015


Serves 10

7-1/2 c                           Water
6 c                                  Brown Rice
3 strips or                       Kombu
½ tsp                              sea salt

Wash rice.  For people cooking in stainless steel pot-please soak overnight or 4 hours to remove phytoic acid and to achieve the same digestibility and flavor as pressure cooking.  Soaking also activates the life force of the grain or seed. 

1.      Break kombu into water into 1” chunks.  Bring water and kombu to a slow boil.
2.     Add rice and salt.
3.     Turn down heat to slow rhythmic hiss of pressure valve. (elec-4, gas-med low)
4.     Cook 40 min.  (Optional:  last 10 min turn down to low)

For 1 cup rice – 1-1/4 water
      2                 - 2.5
      3                -  3.75
      4                -  5

      5                -  6.25


Botanical name:  Nelumbrium nuciferum.

Lotus Root Tea:

Cut a lotus root in slices, or use slices of dried lotus root.  Add 4 cups water and simmer covered for about 20 minutes.  Add some tamari soy sauce and simmer another 10 minutes.  This is helpful to melt mucus accumulations in the body, especially in the respiratory system.

In Edmonton, available at Lucky Supermarkets and TNT supermarkets.



Function of Gall Bladder Meridian:

Distributes nutrients and balances total energy through the aid of internal hormones and secretion such as bile, saliva, gastric acid, insulin and intestinal hormones.

KYO:  (means   Deficient energy in Japanese)

Psychological:     Emotional excitement resulting in hypersensitivity.  Sudden fatigue after tension, timid, easily frightened, lack of determination, strained nerves, light sleeper, lack of energy, general fatigue and no guts.
Physical:                Tired eyes, no energy due to fatigue caused by improper distribution of nutrients.  Tired legs, dull eyes, weak eyesight, lack of bile, poor digestion of fats, prone to get diarrhea and constipation; neuralgia; dizziness, mucus formation in eyes, pale complexion, anemic, obese in spite of poor appetite, accumulation of fatty tissues without consumption of greasy foods; easily fatigued, gastric hyperacidity, improper nutritional distribution.

JITSU   (Excessive energy in Japanese)

Psychological:       Assumes too much responsibility; fatigued, tendency to push self in work, pays attention to small details, easily upset, impatient, always in a hurry for nothing; tired eyes, too much concentration.
Physical:                  Lack of sleep causing tired eyes, bloated stomach, loss of appetite, glassy eyes, yellowish in white part of eye and skin; pain, tearing and high pressure in eyes; tendency to blink frequently, stiffness in extremities, stiff muscles, pain in rib cage, bitter taste in mouth, burning sensation in chest, gallstones and spasms in gall bladder, shoulder pain, heaviness in head, migraine headache, constipation, mucus stagnation, itching in area of tonsils, coughing, excessive intake of sweet, lack of sour food consumption.


Epilepsy is so misunderstood.   There are so many Canadian people that are put on  pharmaceutical drugs as the only alternative.
We as Canadians need to be informed… just how our bodies work. 

The Epilepsy NEUTRALIZER is:   Acupressure points behind the big Toe nails….3 points, exactly….If you see a friend or client that is going into an epileptic seizure….ask permision to immediately put  your thumb or fingers behind the Toe Nail and PUSH down with deep PRESSURE.  Get the friend to breathe….continue deep breathing and pressure until they are feeling better
Simple explanation is too much pressure and fluids in the head.  Deeply pressing foot acupressure points draws the excess pressure and fluids into the body.

Signs of epilepsy are:
The friend starts to stiffen; sweating on the face and skin. 
These people are far out on the health spectrum.  To remedy this…They should immediately stop all fluids …except for sips of warm water.  With children and adults, immediately stop feeding them pop, sugar and all fruit juices. 
According to Oriental Medicine; if you have developed Epilepsy, you have fluid pressure on the brain and central nervous system.  By pressing the 3 points, behind the toe nail …you are drawing the excess fluid pressure away from the brain and Central Nervous system.  Everyone is always shocked when they see how easy and effective this is.  Within 30 seconds; your friend is okay…and unstiffens and stops sweating.  NO SEIZURE EVENTUATES.

Feed the friends and children, sips of warm tea and soup…no cold fluids or foods.  Study the Macrobiotic food and lifestyle regime…    and you will always be rewarded with the restoration of amazing health and energy.  If this person has also developed diabetes; macrobiotic nutrition is even more critical.


Minerals and trace minerals are the building blocks of all life.  Minerals function as co-enzyme to enable the body to quickly and accurately perform its activities.  They are needed for the proper composition of body fluids, the formation for blood and bone, and the maintenance of healthy nerve function.  All the minerals together comprise only about 4% of the entire body weight, but they are responsible for major area of human health.  Minerals keep the body pH balanced, and are essential to bone formation and to the digestion of food.  Minerals regulate the osmosis of cellular fluids, electrical activity in the nervous system, and most metabolic function. 
They transport oxygen though the system, govern the heart rhythm, help you sleep, and are principle factors in mental and emotional balance. 

Trace minerals are only .03% of the body weight.  Interesting!  But Deficiencies can cause severe depression, PMS and other menstrual disorders, hyperactivity in children, sugar imbalances, nerve and stress conditions, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, premature aging of skin and hair, memory loss and inability to heal quickly.

Sea Vegetables-Most Nutritious food in the World

Sea vegetables are the greatest food source of nutrition and minerals.

WAKAME –The Women’s Seaweed
Graceful, green fronds with a subtly sweet flavor and slippery texture.  Expands quite a bit, so cut it in small pieces.  High in calcium, thiamine, niacin, and Vitamin B12.  Traditionally used in Oriental medicine to purify the blood, strengthen intestines, skin and hair.  Beneficial for the reproductive organs, and to help regulate women’s cycles.
KOMBU- The Great Enhancer
Mellow flavoured, broad green frond, expands greatly when soaked.  Contains glutamic acid—a food tenderizer and flavor-enhancer.  Softens beans and makes them more digestable.  Sweetens root vegetables in stews, so they melt in your mouth.  For “al dente” kombu, cook ½ hour to 45 minutes, then slice into bite size pieces or julienne strips.  Or, cook it for 1-1/2 hours in a pot of beans, stir the pot and the kombu will dissolve and disappear.
HIJIKI-The Strong One
Striking black strands, with a firm texture and uniquely strong flavor.  Richest of all the seaweeds in calcium and iron—a good choice when you need to be able to stand up under pressure.  Known in Japan as “the bearer of wealth and beauty, hijiki is traditionally used to strengthen the bones, revitalize skin and hair.  Also builds strong intestines.
ARAME-The Artist’s Choice
Delicate brown-black strands with a mild, semi-sweet flavor, and firm, pleasing texture.  High in both calcium and iron.  Surprisingly artful when combined with other foods—try adding ¼ cup to a batch of cornmeal muffin batter, or a pot of split pea soup or adzuki bean salad.  Also delicious and attractive cooked together with buckwheat and onions as a pilaf.   What else could you use it?  If you are looking for a Quick Fix:  Using Arame in a stir fry.  Soak for 5 – minutes and add towards the end of your stir fry cooking.  Add a small amount of tamari (wheat free soya sauce) as you add Arame to stir fry.

BURDOCK ROOT- How to prepare as medicinal delicious french fries

Burdock root is known since ancient times as God’s healer stabilizer for the large intestine or colon.  It is the main ingredient of Essiac tea available in many cancer clinic and health food store in North America.
It is an extremely yang root, long and thin…it cleans the blood, liver and restores the vitality to our colons.

*Alkalizes the blood   *Restores Mental Clarity   *Prevents Colds/Flu
*Curbs sugar craving   

Do you remember the days when running through the fields you would get purple burrs stuck to your pants?  Those were burdock burrs.  The plant has huge elephant ear-sized leaves.  You need a tree spade/pic/sharp trowel to dig up the root so you don’t snap off this long root.  If you choose to dig it up, please, do it with respect and do not take all that is there.
If you buy it from Choice’s health food store or an Asian market where it is often called GOBO.

 To prepare the burdock root as medicinal delicious food 
"More delicious than French Fries."

1.  Wash and cut in the heaven and earth cut which is on a diagonal.
     Use a sharp square vegetable knife as this root is dense and solid.
     Cut burdock root in diagonal slices about l/16” thick. 
2.  Prepare a cast iron frying pan by heating on medium until hot.
3.  Add 3 tbsp of toasted sesame oil
4.  Add ¼ tsp of grey sea salt.  Cover with lid that fits inside the      
5.  Cook for approximately 7 minutes. 
6.  Add pinch of grey sea salt.  Add l tbsp of water if burdock root is
     woody or is sticking to pan.  Cover and cook another 7 minutes.
7.  Add pinch of grey sea salt.  Cover and cook another 7 minutes. 

Add 2 tbsp of cooked root to miso soup for a delicious rich flavour.
Add to stir fry or as additional vegetable to your dinner.
My students often say it tastes like a delicious salty sweet potato fry.

Caution: This root is very powerful so no more than 2 tbsp a day or you will find yourself evacuating more than you want to.
It is high in potassium in its raw state so when cutting the burdock root do NOT put your fingers to your eyes or face.  It will cause an allergic reaction.  Be sure to wash the cutting board and knife 
In Edmonton, you can buy commercial GOBO (Burdock root) at Lucky Supermarkets, TNT, and organic at Planet Organic.



Long, brown root with a savory-sweet flavor.  Grows wild everywhere.
It keeps for several weeks, wrapped in clothe, brown bag and refrigerated.
Burdock is the main ingredient of most health food store cleansers.


1.      Cleanses the blood
2.      Tones and strengthens intestines
3.      Improves Mental Clarity
4.      Alkalizes and highly mineralized, an excellent booster food when feel run down from a cold or flu or stress

5.      Eat often to help reduce sweet craving


George Oshawa, the grandfather of Macrobiotic suggests the Number 7 Food regime to relieve arthritis.  To change the condition will take your body the time it needs to release all toxicity in the kidney/blood systems.  By changing your foods to the ‘easiest’ to digest and the ‘highest’ in nutritional value for all organs; you will completely cure yourself in six months.

If hip or knees are consideration and you have cartilage challenges…just know cartilage grows and becomes bone every day.  (teeth, different)  In other words, bone is the final development of cartilage. 

Look for dislocation of hip bone or pinched nerves in the spine affecting the endocrine system which passes through the spine.  The resulting disturbance of hormone function may be caused by weakened kidneys that start to malfunction.
WEAK KIDNEYS CANNOT KEEP CALCIUM in the blood which is needed for bone formation.  Then, degenerative arthritis develops.

Weak kidneys cannot maintain blood alkalinity; causing the blood and other body fluids to become acidic.  If the body fluids become acidic, available calcium is used from your bones and teeth to neutralize acidity and calcium will be lost from bone and cartilage.

Dietary suggestions

Staple foods
50%                whole grains
20-30%          vegetables (avoid potato, eggplant, tomato)
5-10%             sea vegetables (these contain calcium and magnesium-
                        Strong bones)
5%                  raw vegetables (optional)

1-2 cups         Miso soup every day-good blood formation
2-3 pcs           pickles (rice bran pickles-best)
2-3                  times/month beans
1-2 tsp            sesame/olive oil/day

Foods to Avoid

Sugar, sugary foods, cakes, sweetened drinks, alcoholic drinks, drugs, pain killers, high protein foods including tofu, cheese, eggs, high fat foods such as butter, coffee and spices. 


Strengthening the kidneys is the first step to strengthening bones and bone cartilage.

  1. Yuen method-major detox triad, strengthening……..
  2. Drinks as little as possible so that you urinate 3-4 times maximum per day.  If you urinate more often than that you are drinking too much unless detoxing.
  3. Apply a hot ginger compress over the kidneys 2-3 times/week.
  4. Massage your spine from neck to hip bone with a ginger juice/sesame oil mixture (1 tsp ginger juice with 1 tsp sesame oil)
  5. Dry far infra red sauna to sweat.  If cannot do sauna, do sea salt baths.
  6. Take a salt bath every other day.  To make salt bath:  Add 2 lbs of coarse salt to 24 gallons of warm-hot water and stay in 20-30 minutes.

What I have discovered from clients over the years:

  1. Clients are afraid of salt….delete all misinformation again around salt.
Dr. William Conners of the Oregon Health Sciences University showed that salt in the diet actually reduces high blood pressure.  He was able to show that those that did not have salt in their diet; their blood pressure was not reduced.
  1. Salt deficiencies look like:
insomnia, kidney pain, fatigue, chronic low-grade infections, lack of digestive juices in the stomach or allergy symptoms.
  1. If one of my clients has eaten meat or salty foods for a long time; they
May also develop kidney weakness.  Medications create kidney weakness.

What is the function of kidneys in the body?

The body produces waste substances as carbohydrates, protein and fats are metabolized.  Every second 280,000 cells die which also produces waste products.  If these waste substances stay in the body they will make the body fluids acidic causing nerves malfunction and vital organ malfunction.

The composition of blood must always remain constant.  Blood volume must also remain constant.  If blood volume is too high, heart failure might result.  Just know that our blood is used over and over again.  Some blood is eliminated and replaced but not much.  The blood has to be purified and kept constant in composition and volume.  Body function can’t be suspended even for one minute for the blood to be cleansed.  All repairs and adjustments to the blood must be made while the engine is still running.

Blood enters the kidneys and passes through many ducts and tubes and circulates around tissues and membranes that are capable of reabsorbing or passing dissolved solids, water, minerals and glucose.  In adults, 125 milliliters (1/8 quart) of liquid per minute is filtered through the kidneys, about 180 liters or 45 gallons a day which 178 liters or 44.5 gallons must be reabsorbed.

Weak kidneys means that the membranes in the kidneys have become weak and can’t do the job reabsorbing essential substances such as minerals.  So, too much of these essential substances are lost.  These membranes become weak from being overworked by too much fluid to process or too many waste products to eliminate.

Another function of the kidneys related to reabsorbing minerals is maintaining an alkaline condition in the blood.  Calcium, magnesium, potassium and most importantly, sodium have to be reabsorbed by the kidneys to maintain an alkaline condition in the blood.  If the kidneys are weak, these minerals are lost in the urine.

The Health Benefits of Fresh Ginger Root

In Chinese medicine, fresh ginger root is a catalyst or stimulant for our body’s circulation system and blood.  It is used to activate medicines in the roots and foods.  It is delicious in small finely grated form as a topping on salads and foods and will increase your warmth in the cold seasons.

The elder generation use ginger root by soaking their hands and feet in hot water with ginger to stimulate circulation. This helps with treating arthritic conditions.

1.        Aids in digestion                *Perhaps the best root for digestion
2.       .Alleviates High Blood Pressure

**improves and stimulates circulation and relaxes the muscles surrounding the blood vessels, facilitating the flow of blood throughout the body.

**Pregnant Women—ginger treats nausea and Morning sickness.  Ginger root is world re-known for treating sickness. Ginger relaxes the stomach and relieves the feeling of nausea.  Remember, the abdominal area is our second brain.  It is comprised of 20 million neurons behind the stomach.

3.       Lower LDL Cholesterol* reduces (bad) cholesterol, reducing the risk of heart dysfunction.
4.       Helps treat ulcers
5.       Anti-inflammatory
6.        Helps arthritis
7.        Colds, Flu
8.        Immunity Boosting.