Monday 14 September 2015

Behavioral Barometer-Depression and Mental Illness

Behavioral Barometer

1.        This is the instructions for the tool I spoke about for easily eliminating the negative emotional experiences you have had.  Please google behavioral barometer; it will come up.  The Color images are too small for copying but will come up for you and you can enlarge the size.  Hold in your mind, this question: “What is the priority negative experiences that needs to be cleared?”

2.        Ask your Higher Self (Divine Intuition) or God for guidance or muscle test or use a pendulum to determine what your negative emotions are. Just sit with the colored chart (Behavioral Barometer) in front of you. Take  3 deep breathes into the belly to relax and clear yourself.  When you open your eyes and you will go right to the negative  belief program that needs to go.  Trust, it always works.

  Remember, the first color you see is the section you are working within.
Once, you find the right section, notice there are 8 items. 
Let a number from 1-8 pop into your mind. You read the barometer words, left (1) to right (2), down one line- left (3) to right (4)etc.

Once you find the right negative emotion to clear:

4.       Hold your head on your center line.  Place your entire palm across your forehead and the other hand on the back of your head.  Chin level.  Slowly circle your eyes in a 360 finding the eye direction which strains the eye muscles or vision blurs or goes dark.
5.       Then say for 1-3 minutes; I FEEL------------------------, BIG BREATHE, I FEEL-------------.
6.       Take some water.
7.       Same eye direction…..Hold the eye and head direction and say the OPPOSITE WORD (on the left hand side of the Barometer)      I AM--------------for 1-3 minutes.
8.       Big breathes between each I AM statement.

Please note that usually people feel light headed during this process; have no fear…you are creating new neural synapses pathways and getting out of the old ruts and connections.  Water is needed to facilitate this change as the neurotransmitters move of the medium of water.  As you know, we are at least 73% water.  A fantastic medium.  Have fun!   This process will always bring you back to peace and strength.

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