Thursday 30 July 2015


 2 strips of dried kombu   (available at Lucky 97, Lucky Supermarket,  2 shiitake mushrooms   or dried Chinese mushrooms - 4 cups water

- SIMMER OR MEDIUM BOIL together for 30 minutes.  I prefer to simmer as it has a more delicious flavour. 
- ADD pinch of grey sea salt.  Not white sea salt…it is missing the minerals and trace elements that our blood and kidneys need.
- Or a tablespoon of your favourite tamari (wheat free soya sauce ie. SanJ brand-Save on foods and Superstore have different kinds)
- Add onions, thin sliced daikon and julienne cut carrots and during the last 3 minutes some rehydrated WAKAME.  (sea vegetable-super nutritious for the kidney/bladder family as they thrive on minerals)
-POUR broth over l heaping teaspoon of your favourite miso ie.  Barley or brown rice for the kidney/bladder family and mix paste into the broth. 
-Small amount of grated organic ginger and chopped green onions to garnish is a wonderful finish.


Miso paste has the 8 essential amino acids, enzymes and natural forming acidophilus.  It allows our bodies to absorb the food to follow easier.

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